“If you want to go straight, you have to move across to everything.”
Eugen Drewermann
More than 100 years ago, when the young Italian Marconi had the vision to transmit information through the air with the help of radio waves, this was dismissed as pure spinning.
Since he failed the entrance examination at the University of Bologna, his future as an engineer seemed impossible. The word “impossible” never existed for him.
His father secretly smuggled him into the lectures and set up a private workshop for him. Even when the Italian Post office and the great researchers of his time did not recognize the chances of Marconi’s inventions, he never gave up. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1909 for his achievements.
MEMOCINE is an international management consultancy that accompanies pioneers and established industrial customers in their business development and international technology transfer, especially between Europe and the Middle East.
As a partner of the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft and other international scientific organisations, we build an exclusive bridge between business and research for our customers.
Our interdisciplinary knowledge of innovations, country- and industry-specific strategies as well as intercultural communication and negotiation patterns create competitive advantages for our customers.
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